Loops can provide more sophisticated control than running a simple sequence of consecutive tests. 循环能够比运行一个简单序列的连续性测试提供更精细的控制。
In the first example a simple sequence numbering scheme is employed; the second uses a date in a similar fashion to what is commonly seen for versions of important standards like XML Schema and WSDL. 在第一个实例中,使用了简单的序列编码制,第二个实例以同一的方式将日期放在常见的重要标准(例如XMLSchema和WSDL)的版本。
Perhaps it was the combined excitement of a spectacular wedding followed by a spectacular death, but my brain was no longer able to retrieve a simple sequence of seven characters. 或许是由于一场盛大的婚礼和紧随其后的一次轰动的死亡共同作用所造成的兴奋,我的脑子就是想不起那一串简单的7个字母了。
Mapping Unequal Crossing over Hotspot Region of Simple Sequence Repeat in Maize 玉米简单重复序列不对等交换的热点区域定位
Analysis on Correlation Between Heterosis and Genetic Distance Based on Simple Sequence Repeat Markers in japonica Rice SSR标记遗传距离与粳稻杂种优势的相关性分析
Mapping for bentazon susceptible lethality ( BSL) gene in rice cultivar Nonglin8m was carried out with simple sequence repeat ( SSR) markers by bulked segregation analysis ( BSA). 运用简单重复序列(SSR)技术,采用分离群体分组分析法(BSA)进行了水稻农林8号m苯达松敏感致死基因的分子定位。
RAPD Analysis of Genetic Variation of Barley Varieties in China; Comparative Assessment of Simple Sequence Repeat Genetic Diversity in Cultivated Rice from Yunnan 中国栽培大麦遗传资源的RAPD研究云南栽培稻种SSR遗传多样性比较
DNA extraction method of pathogenic fungi and the optimization of simple sequence repeat PCR system 病原真菌DNA提取方法及简单重复序列聚合酶链反应体系的优化
Stocks, dykes etc. can be placed in simple sequence with the sedimentary rocks. 岩株,岩墙等可以按其与沉积岩的简单顺序放在图中。
Simple sequence repeat ( SSR) markers on the basis of PCR as a technology of detection DNA polymorphism have been widely used in the studies of plant genome research in some fields. SSR分子标记技术是在PCR基础上发展起来的一种DNA多态性检测技术,已广泛应用于植物基因组研究的各个领域。
Genetic differentiation and indica component degree analysis were conducted on the main parents of japonica hybrid rice in the northern China by simple sequence repeats ( SSR). 利用微卫星(SSR)分子标记对北方杂交粳稻骨干亲本进行了遗传差异鉴定和籼性程度分析。
Pedigree analysis and simple sequence repeats ( SSR) were used to analyze the relationship among main released wheat cultivars in Henan Province. 利用系谱分析和SSR标记对河南省小麦主要推广品种间的亲缘关系进行了研究。
The genetic relationship of 20 special maize inbred lines was studied by simple sequence repeats ( SSR) markers. 利用SSR标记研究了20份特用玉米自交系的亲缘关系。
SSR ( simple sequence repeat) analyses indicated that the 7 tetraploid seedlings were autotetraploid from nucellar cells. 对获得的7株四倍体植株进行SSR分析,表明这7株四倍体均来自珠心细胞,为体细胞自然加倍得到的同源四倍体。
Genetic difference of 18 processing and 2 fresh apple varieties were evaluated with 12 simple sequence repeats ( SSR) primer pairs. 利用12对微卫星(SSR)标记,研究了18个苹果加工品种和2个鲜食品种的遗传差异。
Statistical analysis of simple sequence repeats in C-ELEGANS and yeast genomes 线虫和酵母基因组中简单串联重复序列的统计分析
Simple Sequence Repeat is ubiquitous in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. 简单重复序列广泛分布于原核和真核基因组。
A Preliminary Study on the Simple Sequence Repeat Reaction System of Gastrodia elata 天麻简单重复序列反应体系的初步研究
Genetic and Comparative Analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats on Rice Chromosome 4 水稻基因组第4号染色体简单重复序列的遗传分析及比较基因组学研究
As a highly polymorphic, codominant, well-repeated and convenient molecular marker technique, simple sequence repeat ( SSR) was used more and more widely in plant genetics and breeding. 简单重复序列(SimpleSequenceRepeat,SSR)技术以其丰富的多态性、共显性遗传、重复性好和操作简单等优点正广泛用于植物种质资源及育种的研究。
Simple sequence repeat ( SSR) is an efficient molecular marker. 简单重复序列(SSR)是进行遗传多样性研究的一种有效分子标记。
Microsatellites, simple sequence repeats ( SSR), are distributed throughout the eukaryote genomes. 微卫星序列广泛存在于各类真核基因组中,是一种简单序列重复(Simplesequencerepeats,SSR)。
SSR ( Simple Sequence Repeats) primers were used to detect genetic diversity among 67 germplasm semi wild soybean. 利用12对SSR引物对67份半野生大豆种质进行了遗传多样性的检测分析。
The primer design is a key step for RAMP and REMAP, in which anchored simple sequence repeat primers were used. 引物设计是RAMP和REMAP标记分析的关键,二者都使用锚定的微卫星序列引物。
A dynamic programming method is applied to obtain an analytic solution, and we also map it to a simple sequence. 我们使用动态规划方法得到最优策略的解析解,并将它映射到一个具有特殊性质的数列上。
Microsatellite ( simple sequence repeat, SSR) is a very prevalent, effective molecular marker. 微卫星(SSR)是目前比较流行、有效的分子标记。
At the same time, the exploration on the application of the SSR ( Simple sequence repeat) technology on molecular breeding in brassica napus has been made. 同时,对SSR(SimpleSequenceRepeat,简单重复序列)技术在油菜分子育种中的应用做了探索。